20 December 2017
We had a GIVING BACK ad in the Glengarry News and The Review to let the community know how much we donated in 2017.
12 November 2017
Rachel and Shelagh of the Sunday Darts received their recognition for winning the 2017 Peter Sanderson Invitational.
3 November 2017
We had our info booth at the Arena for the first ever GLENS LEGION NIGHT with a nice pre game Remembrance ceremony.
28 October 2017
Our cadets went out about town to do our Poppy Drive and made about $1,630.- for the Poppy Trust. They had their Spaghetti Supper fundraiser afterwards and made over $600.-
23 September 2017
On this hot day we had our info booth during the War of 1812 Reenactment at the Dunvegan Pioneer Museum
21 September 2017
We had a nice Veterans Dinner in the Alexandria Restaurant.
16 September 2017
Our golf tournament fundraiser for the Homeless Veterans Assistance Fund got 30 golfers out to raise a total of $800.-. It was a beautiful day.
The Township of North Glengarry is showing their appreciation for our involvement in the community by flying the Legion flag in front of Town hall for the duration of the Legion Week (3rd week of September in Ontario).
1 September 2017
Karaoke Pete got things going. People enjoyed themselves during our first Karaoke Night in years.
11 August 2017
We had a great evening with country band Country Reflections.
29 July 2017
1st CAV had their annual poker run fundraiser for the Homeless Veterans. Our branch gave a donation of $5,000.-.
1 July 2017
We had an info booth in the park during the Canada Day festivities. Despite the pouring rain it was a good afternoon. We signed up 1 new member. We also promoted the cadets and they have a possible 2 new cadets for the new year.
Our draw for the Legion Basketball and Air cadets hat was won by Maya Lafrance.
11 June 2017
During the Walk for Alzheimer for which we were the main sponsor we presented a donation of $3,000.-.
28 May 2017
We had our Executive elections. The 47 members present voted a new team (see the 423 page for the names).
As first order the newly elected president Stuart Nixon thanked now past president Nancy Golding for her devotion to the branch. When Nancy and Patrick stepped in in 2005 the branch was on the verge of collapse. They worked tirelessly to bring back the branch to the healthy state it is in now.
Now 1st Vice Dave Hrynkiw presented a donation to Zone Commander Bill Bresee for the Zone G Youth Education.
12 MAY 2017
We had a surprise birthday party for our 2nd Vice Della. She turned 80! High lights were the presence of her brother and the Facetime calls with her son and daughter who live too far away to join us in person.
6 MAY 2017
Our very first Pub Crawl was a big success. We visited the Lancaster, Russell, Winchester and Finch branches. Russell and Winchester were very generous, welcoming us with food. A big thank you goes out to Cindy who safely got us through the trip.
See our Facebook page for more pictures.
What came up during the general meeting?
- Cadets and Staff of our squadron were on site to talk about their Vimy Trip and showed a slideshow.
- We decided to give donation s to heart and Stroke, Legion Zone g Youth education and the 1st CAV memorial Ride.
- New telephone system is installed.
- Comrade Stuart Nixon will work on a Membership Advantages sheet.
- We have 15 new members signing up since January.
- Cheyenne Demers (St-Finnans school) was Zone winner in the Remembrance Day poster Competition.
Our cadets cleaned up our shared Adopt-A-Road section just outside of town. Marius and one of our cadets cleaned up around the building.
APRIL 2017
We received a postcard from our cadets who were on their Vimy Trip. See more pictures from their trip on www.aircadets379.com or on the Facebook pages of our branch or the cadets
MARCH 2017
Our cadets received their new jacket that they were able to order thanks to financial support from us. The Vimy cadets will be wearing this on their trip.
What came up during our General Meeting?
- Our pub crawl will be on Saturday 6 May and registration has started. For this occasion we offer the possibility for members to bring a guest that is not a Legion member.
- Our cadets their Vimy pancake fundraiser brought in $1,174.-. The Vimy cadets would like to thank all members that came out to support them.
- We will have a draw for a Coors Light Football BBQ from 1 April to 12 May. If you drink a 20 oz Patty's pilsner you will enter the draw.
- Carefor came in to ask for a donation to pay for new Insulated Meal Bags for their Meals on Wheels program. We decided to foot the bill of $2,700.- for 16 bags.
- Comerade Luis Hargreaves will be taking care of the Wall of Honour again. He did so a few years ago but life happened. He recently retired so has a little more time on hand.
- We decided to remove the piano in the club room and Gaston will make a cupboard to display and store our supplies.
- In the future we will be trying to get out in the community more with an Info booth to show who we are.
What came up during our General Meeting?
- This spring we will organize a 'pub crawl'. One of our members will drive the bus to go past a few of our local Legion branches. A sign up sheet will be up soon.
- Members that haven't paid their membership yet are advised to do so before the elections in May. Membership card will have to be presented.
- We had 2 first place winners in our branch's Remembrance Day Post Contest. More on this soon on this site.
- One of our members proud the St-Eugene air field to our attention. Not many people know about the air field that functioned as a Air Force training facility in the Second WW. The question was if we could try and get a memorial plaque for the little known piece of war history. After the meeting Dave contacted the Hawkesbury Legion and it is part of their district and they have been working on this for a few years now. We leave it in their capable hands.
During our General Meeting the following was decided.
- The Bishop's House of Glengarry in St-Raphaels will receive a $2,000.- donation for the renovation. See for more about this House on http://bishopshouse.ca/
- Our own Membership Executive Della got drawn in the membership draw. Her membership for 2018 will be paid for.
- Our branch will create a bursary for a 379 cadet.
- Our branch's last fundraiser for the 379 Vimy cadets will be a draw for a 3 liter Bacardi Rum bottle. Draw will be during the Cadets pancake Breakfast on Sunday 5 March.
The Caddels had a great show again. The crowd enjoyed themselves.
We have a new sign for the Alexandria Festival of Lights. Designed by Anick Bauer Design after an idea of our very own Gaston Plouffe.