11 November 2016: Alexandria Remembrance Day ceremony

5 November 2016: Maxville Remembrance Day ceremony
24 december 2016
Our Poppy Suncatcher fundraiser for our cadets going to Vimy brought in $85. Joanne MacPherson was the lucky person to win the draw.
Due to Christmas we didn't have a Meat Draw scheduled but thanks to a generous donation of Left & Write paperie we had a special draw at 16.00.
27 november 2016
During the general meeting the membership decided on the following donations, $500.- to the Fire Fighters Hockey for Little Hearts, $100.- to Camp Faces (camps for families of emergency responders that passed away in the line of duty). and $100.- to the Diabetes Association.
On 3 May 2017 the heart and Stroke foundation will be holding their Big Bike Ride fundraiser. There will be a sign up sheet at the bar in the new year.
This spring we will be doing a Pub Crawl. We'll rent a bus and go visit some other legion branches in the area. In the new year we will have a sign up sheet at the bar. Cost to be announced.
Branch elections will be held in May 2017.
13 november 2016
President Nancy Golding and Marius Bauer presented the Alexandria Fire Department with a $500 donation on behalf of our branch. As of 2017 each of the Fire Stations in North Glengarry will receive a $250 donation annually instead of $500 every 3 years.
30 october 2016
During the general meeting it was decided that starting 2017 every fire station in North Glengarry will receive a $250.- donation every year.
Some awards were handed out to thank members for their efforts in helping out the branch. Pictures will follow.
The bar has a new pilsner on tap from Molson. It is called PATTY's PILSNER in memory of Patrick. Some of the experts in the branch say it is a good one!
18 October 2016
Comrade Lee MacKinnon handed the cheque with our annual donation of a $1,000.- to our 379 Cadets.
14 october 2016
We had our Veterans Dinner at the Alexandria Restaurant.
25 september 2016
During the General Meeting it was decided that a $1,000.- donation is going to our air cadet squadron 379 and a $500.- donation will be given to the Alexandria Fire Dept.
Further news... There Youth Art Poetry Contest is on until Remembrance Day. We will have a new beer soon, a pilsner called PATTY's PILSNER. The Vet's Room has been revamped. The Bell at the flag poles has been fixed and will be reinstated on 11 November. We have a picture viewer behind the bar now with photo's from the past and present.
9 july 2016
1st CAV riders (Sicily) had their annual poker run and made a stop at our branch. These die hards braved thunder and rain and saw it rewarded with a $5,000.- donation from us for the Homeless Veterans Fund.
1 July 2016 - canada day
Our branch and our air cadet squadron 379 joined in a hot and sunny parade. The veterans were driven in luxury vehicles courtesy of comrade Brent Hill.
sunday 12 june 2016
President Nancy Golding and Vice President Dave Hrynkiw presented a $3000.- cheque to the Alzheimer Society making our branch the Gold sponsor for the 5th Annual Alzheimer Walk.
Comrades Nancy Golding, Dave Hrynkiw, Della Sanderson and Peter Conway manned our info booth and Gaston and Marius made sure it was set firmly in place because the cold wind was brutal.
Saturday 14 May 2016
Our RIB FEST fundraiser for our Vimy cadets was a big succes. We raised $1155.-. A big thank you goes out to comrades Lee McKinnon, Ted Rudolph and Gaston Plouffe who worked the BBQ's despite what the weather threw at them. Bartender Bruce had a packed house and everyone enjoyed themselves with music from Raymond Quesnel's band.
On the picture are some of the Vimy cadets (cadets Jeaurond, Belanger, Pilon, Vander Byl, Este, Robert and Oertle) with Sponsoring Committee chair Terry Zelak that thanked Lee for all the work he put into preparing and cooking the ribs. He got a nice unique t shirt.
Bottom picture shows cadet MacLeod (one of the Vimy cadets) who played a few tunes with the band.
28 April 2016
Comrade Marius Bauer presented our $100 donation to the Cornwall air cadet squadron 325 for providing us with a trumpet player for our Remembrance Day ceremony in Alexandria. Receiving the cheque on behalf of 325 is cadet Luscombe who played on our ceremony the past 2 years.
23 April 2017
Some of our Sqn 379 cadets cleaned up our shared Adopt-A-Road section and around our building. Thanks cadets Provencal, Vander Byl, A., Diraddo, Vander Byl, R., DeSerres, Anderson, Robert, Rimann, Larosa, Penner, Pilon, Dittli and Mr. Provencal, Comrade Marius Bauer, S.Lt. Holla, Capt. Leger and (a former 379 WO1) Alexandrine Leger. Thanks also to the Township Water Works department for supplying a truck as an extra protection and to carry the garbage bags.
27 March 2016
During the meeting the following is decided...
Donation: The Annual $500 donation to the Fire Department will this year go to the Apple hill Fire Department. Comrade Ted Rudolph presented the cheque (unfortunately no picture has been made).
Donation: For the past 4 years the Cornwall Air Cadet Squadron 325 have supplied a Bugle/Trumpet player for our Alexandria Remembrance Day ceremony. Last donation we gave was 2 years ago ($100). So it is time for another $100 donation to thank for their support.
Donation/Sponsorship: The Alzheimer Society will hold their 5th anniversary walk in Alexandria this year on 12 June. We were approached for a contribution so it was decided to become Gold sponsor for $3000 which will give us a info booth in the park and major visibility
Sports: On 28 June the Zone Gold tournament will be held in Alexandria. Sign up sheet will be up soon.
Prize winners in the Remembrance Day Poster Contest.
28 February 2016
The Legion Curling Team (Andre major, Robbie MacDonald, Marius Bauer and Robbie Starkauskas) won 2nd place in the Alexandria Curling Club's Industrial Bonspiel. The $140 going with it was donated to our air cadets VIMY trip.
We made donations this month: $200 to the fundraiser for the Lancaster Fire Fighter that got injured in a fire truck roll over and $300 to a brave Tammy Bond who participated in the Polar Dip fundraiser for the Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame
We got a keg of a new beer from Molson called Belgian Moon. We decided to donate the full proceeds to the Vimy trip of our cadets
31 january 2016
Our branch received a cheque from the Foundation Canada Helps for the amount of $19.02 coming from a anonymous donation.
Comrade Debbie won the Early Bird draw which means our branch will pay for her 2017 membership.